Hebrews 12:1 is the first verse which follows the "faith" chapter of Chapter 11 where we are introduced to so many of the heroes of the faith. These are the people that warts and all still are used by God and are examples of the faith. They are our examples to follow. Remember the "I Want to be Like Mike" commercials. Those commercials described what we need to do or look like to be like Michael Jordan. We are to look to these guys as our examples even as you look at them and all of their warts. I don't think we would have a commercial that would urge us to be like Rahab, a prostitute. The verse says "Therefore since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every encumbrance and the sin which so easily entangles us and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfector of faith.
This verse I believe has so much in it, I have had to literally unpack it piece by piece. This post is only about encumbrance. There are those things that have the potential to crowd out God. They are not bad in and of themselves, but they have the potential to become an idol. They are different for each one of us. For me, it is work and baseball among potentially others. The author says to lay it aside. Does that mean to stop it? Possibly if it becomes a real problem. Is it hindering the work of Jesus in my life? Being aware of these things is the first step. Acknowledging their potential before God to encumber you is the second step. So what do you do if they become encumbrances? It may require simply asking God to show you them in their perspective. However, it may require jettisoning them - lay them aside. I remember my brother giving up golf because he could not control his temper on the golf course and he simply didn't enjoy it. So he quit and has not played since. He simply could not keep the game in perspective. We need to view all things in the light of eternity. I believe if we give up encumbrances, God will fill the void as we grow in faith.
Do As the Doctor Says, Not As I Do
6 years ago
1 comment:
Job 12:12 Is not wisdom found among the aged? Does not long life bring understanding? (NIV)
"Perspective" comes with advancing years . . . just ask me.
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