Sunday, September 12, 2010

Jones, the Quran, and the Gospel

Pastor Terry Jones has made significant press and generated significant controversy over his threat to burn the Quran.  His purpose is to highlight the danger of extreme radical Islam.  Many have contacted Pastor Jones and urged him not to do it as it puts lives in jeopardy in the mission in Afghanistan. 

I am going to take a different tact here.  It is not about the Quran, it is about the gospel.  I have listened to a number of interviews with Pastor Jones and I have not heard one mention of the gospel.  Pastor Jones only reference I heard was to do “something radical” like Abraham.  Does he really think that this will lead people to the kingdom of God?  If that is not the motive, what is?  

When the apostle Paul would go into a city marked by paganism, he would never lead in with what was wrong with the religion or the apostasy he was facing, but he would be diligent to preach the gospel.  You can’t eradicate a disease without prescribing the cure.  Now those who accepted the gospel were very quick to burn their own materials (e.g. Acts 19:19), but Paul never took it upon himself to attack the religion.  The gospel itself is transformational – it can do the job by itself to eradicate false religion.  On the contrary, Paul would use the false prophets, the magicians, and the poets of his day to point them to Jesus (Acts 17:16-17).  Jesus likewise even though he attacked the false religion of the Pharisees only did so in the context of their rejection of him and the gospel. 

Islam is a false religion.  The gospel is truth.   The gospel will offend – we know that, but it will also transform.  That is why it is not only called a stumbling stone but also cornerstone.  We need to preach the gospel first (I am speaking to myself).   Jesus is “way, the truth, and the life and no one comes to the father except through him”.  Let the gospel do the transforming.

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