Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Arrogance – Why the Republicans Won

The number one reason cited was the economy.  I don’t think so – I think there is a definite crisis in confidence in our leadership that stems from our President and our government leaders.  Is it just me or is there an air of complete arrogance coming from the White House?  It is not just Obama, it is Pelosi, Reid, and multiple others across the aisles.  The arrogance is subtle - “I know it all and you need to trust my judgment”.  The arrogance is overt reflected in passage of health care reform with no bi-partisan support.  It is reflected in the supposed tough talk and knee-jerk reactions from the Gulf Oil crisis.  It is overall just a feeling of an attitude. 

I liked Obama when he was running (never liked Pelosi).  I thought he was a consensus builder, a naturally gifted leader.  I voted for McCain, but I definitely thought twice about it.   

It is really scary when someone who has zero experience thinks he knows everything.  Obama effuses arrogance.  Natural leaders are self-deprecating, seek counsel, are bridge-builders.  Obama has turned out to be none of these.  It is further reflected in his actions.  It is reflected in the attitude that government knows best and we need a nanny state to take us forward.  It is reflected in a lack of confidence in the ability of America to rise up and solve its own problems.  I hope Obama takes a lesson and actually changes.  However, unlike Clinton who I believe truly had a desire to please and the smarts to change, Obama I think is too full of himself to change.  I hope I am wrong. 

The public did what is great in this country – it exercised its democratic right. 


Anonymous said...

I couldn't agree with you more! As smart as he is, he seems to be unwilling to consider anyone else's opinion.
I'm glad the US is taking a swing back to the center...and pray that this new crop of public servents actually serves the constitution and the will of the eople.

Anonymous said...

Or, of the people...whatever.

spoorts said...

Hi Anne,

I have seen a glimpse of some more contrition, but still a lack of willingness to actually represent the will of the people. We will see.