Sunday, April 18, 2010

Numbering Our Days

This past year, I turned 50.  That means likely half of my life is over.  Nearly two years ago, I had serious blood clots in my lungs that were potentially life threatening.  My stepfathers son died in a freak accident a few weeks ago while camping. He was in his thirties.  We don't know when our life on this earth will end.

Moses, the author of Psalm 90 compares the eternality of God to the brevity of man.  Likely Moses wrote this during the period covered in Numbers 20.  An entire generation had died and only Moses Miriam, Aaron, Caleb and Joshua were living.,  Moses had learned that he would not go into the promised land after sinning by striking the rock.  Then Aaron and Miriam die.  It is natural that Moses would reflect on life - how short it is even though he was an old man at the time.  Life is uncertain at best.  Moses understands that this world is spoiled by sin.  In verse 9, he says "all of our days pass away under your wrath; we finish our years with a moan".

My reaction can be one of self pity. I see how my reaction should be in second half of the psalm.
  1. Remember how precious each day is - v.12
  2. Renew myself in God each morning and remember His goodness each day - v. 14
  3. Be glad for spiritual discipline for it makes me stronger - v.15
  4. Pass along your faith to the next generation - v. 16
  5. Make each day count for God - v.17

Teach us to number our days aright,
that we may gain a heart of wisdom (90:12)

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