Thursday, April 29, 2010

Do Not Harden Your Hearts

Today, if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts (Heb 3:7-8)

This verse in Hebrews is quoted from Psalm 95 which I have read in my pilgrimage through the Psalms .  I have thought a lot in recent weeks about what it means to have a hard heart. 
  1. I have no desire to read God's word or pray (starts here).
  2. I lack a love for people.
  3. I lack contentment.
  4. I have no inner peace and joy.
  5. I commit willful sins.
  6. My mind wanders during worship.
  7. I lose my temper frequently (and not righteously).
  8. My tongue is sharpened.
  9. etc, etc.
You can harden your own heart.  Over 600,000 of the Israelites fell in the desert because they had hard hearts.  Psalm 95:10 says their hearts went astray.  Funny, but I almost always certainly know when my heart goes astray.  What draws me back is the fact that I hate staying very long in the hard heart penalty box.  God greatly desires a relationship with me and will do anything to bring me back into that right relationship.  That includes struggles and disciplines.  The ticket out of the hard heart penalty box is time with him in prayer, bible study, and worship.  

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