Monday, April 5, 2010

Dollar Menus

I am in the middle of this process of trying to lose weight.  My daughter is getting married next month and that means as the father of the bride, I have to look somewhat presentable.  Besides, I will be appearing in those pictures for years.  I have certain incentive pictures with my belly hanging over my waist.  A few years back after I lost all this weight, I bought a really nice Italian suit.  Unfortunately unless I perpetually hold my breath, I haven't been able to fit into it in the past few years.  I have already lost 10 pounds and because I have been lifting weights I feel like I have lost more as things have shifted if you know what I mean.  So I need to lose another 5 to fit into the suit, but my goal is another 10 to 15.

Thus, the point of this blog post.  The fast food chains have these dollar menus.  Now, I am basically cheap and I have long since figured out that I can go into McDonalds and order three things (none of which I really like) for $3 (notice my CPA brain in gear), it will be less than buying the thing that probably I would really want which is those Angus steakburgers.  So I figure which one wins out, the cheapness or the taste.  For me, cheap wins out 90% of the time.  Unfortunately, since I have started tracking my calories in Livestrong, there isn't much room for either since I would consume a whole days calories from either choice.  So calories trump cheap.  Finally, I saw the documentary Food, Inc.  And I learned about all the crap (sorry for the word) it is.  So even crap trumped calories which trumped cheap.  I haven't quit entirely (I still have a weakness for Sausage McMuffins), but I am getting there.

1 comment:

Debbie said...

I love forward to seeing you in the suit. I like it.