Wednesday, May 19, 2010

What God Wants is to be Believed

Then they despised the pleasant land
they did not believe his promise
Psalm 106:24

Covenant occurs three times within this psalm.  A covenant is a promise.  For most of us, a promise is a better word than covenant for covenant suggests a bargain and God's covenants are established apart from anything we have brought to the table.  A promise on the other hand is a unilateral covenant God has made.  On the other hand, we tend to treat promises lightly and God does not treat his promises lightly.  So maybe the better word is oath or solemn commitment.  God makes a solemn commitment to Abraham that is extended to us through faith.  

So the only thing we do is to believe or not believe.  Do we believe God?  Boice says what God wants most from us to be believed.  That really struck me and something I have really meditated on and the Holy Spirit is really convicting me on.  Do I really believe God?  Do I really trust God?  It is a real stretch when things are going bad to really trust God.  I have a relationship with the living God who really does care for me.  There is nothing going on in my life that God does not know about it.  I have an advocate, Jesus who is constantly interceding for me.  That same advocate has experienced all the same trials and temptations I have had.  

This is a really stressful time in our life but I know in the midst of it, there is joy that is so unspeakable.  Through brokenness comes beauty. 

P.S. - I will be taking a break from the study of the Psalms for a little while.  Will be coming back to it shortly.

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